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Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership

Privacy Statement

Understanding how and why we use cookies

We use cookies to store information on your computer to improve your experience of our website. One of the cookies is essential for the operation of the website and has already been set. You may delete and block all cookies from this website but parts of it may not work. You can find out more about the cookies we use and how to delete them below.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or device when you visit a website and are used by all websites and have different functions. At a basic level cookies will:

  • Allow the site to work properly, and help keep it secure.
  • Help us understand how people use the website.
  • Make the site easier to use by remembering information that you've entered,
  • Improve your experience by showing you information that's relevant to you.

Our Cookies

The cookies we use let our websites do the following:

eMag Cookie - Type: eMag Cookie Acceptance Cookie Name: AcceptCookies Description: This cookie is used to record if the user has accepted cookies from the website. It is retained for a period of 1 year.

ASP.NET Session Id - cookie name: ASP.NET_SessionId Description: This cookie is essential for the operation of the website. It is set by the .NET framework to record the users current session between page requests. It does not contain any personally identifiable information and is deleted when the user closes the browser. More information about this cookie on the Microsoft website

Polls - Cookie Name: Poll[n] Description: This cookie records which polls have been voted on during a visit to the website. It records a value indicating an option was selected and does not record any personally identifiable data. The cookie is retained for a period of 2 months.


Types of Cookie

Session Cookies

Session Cookies are temporary Cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the site. This information is not stored after you have left the site.

Persistent cookies

Persistent Cookies remain in your browser for much longer (though how long will depend on the lifetime of the specific cookie but this may be indefinitely or until deleted).

Third party cookies 

Third party cookies are cookies stored in your browser by third party websites which may be used to provide additional services to you via our website.

Third party sites

Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics is one such third party website which sets a cookie in order to evaluate your use of websites. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted to Google. This information is then used to evaluate visitor’s use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity for us.

We use StatCounter, a web analytics service. It is a third party website which sets a cookie in order to evaluate your usage of our website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted to StatCounter. This information is then used to evaluate visitor’s use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity for us. It helps us to see how our website is being access so that we can facilitate improvements to our website maintaining a user friendly approach.

We may use services such as YouTube for embedding our video content into our website. Information on how YouTube, and other common third party websites use cookies can be found on their respective websites: 

How to control and delete cookies 

We will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, if you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by our website site, you can do this through your browser settings.

For more information on how to control and delete cookies, you may wish to visit About Cookies which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of web browsers. You will also find details on how to delete cookies from your machine as well as more general information about cookies.

Please be aware that restricting cookies may cause our website to work incorrectly.

If you wish to view your cookie code, just click on a cookie to open it. You'll see a short string of text and numbers. The numbers are your identification card, which can only be seen by the server that gave you the cookie.

For information on how to do this on the browser of your mobile phone you will need to refer to your handset manual.

How to disable cookies 

You can stop cookies being downloaded on to your computer by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website site.

There is more information about cookies, including how to delete them on the website About Cookies. For more information on the cookie set by Google Analytics please go see Google's privacy policy. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites please go to Google's opt out page.

About Us

Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership is a multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Board (as defined by the Care Act 2014), whose members include Sheffield City Council, South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield Health and Social Care, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, the National Probation Service and the Sheffield Carers Centre. Its primary purpose is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs in Sheffield.

Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership is a registered ‘data controller’ on the Information Commissioner’s Register of Data Controllers.

When we collect personal data, we are required to make sure you are clear on what data we need and why, what we intend to do with it, what your individual rights are, and who you can contact for enquiries or concerns about the use of your personal data. This is called a privacy notice.

The type of information we collect

If an organisation, professional or other individual thinks that an adult with care and support needs in Sheffield has died or has been seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect, and there are concerns about how members of the Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership or other organisations with relevant functions have worked together, they can refer the case to us.

We process the following information about the adult with care and support needs when we receive such a referral:

  • Their name, address, date of birth and any nicknames
  • Their health conditions and disabilities
  • Their ethnic origin, gender and sexual orientation (if known)
  • The circumstances in which they died or suffered serious harm
  • A brief chronology of key contacts and events

We also process the following information about the referrer:

  • Their name, organisation, address, telephone number and email address
  • Why abuse or neglect has been identified or is suspected
  • Details of their involvement with the adult and any safeguarding concerns that they have raised previously

We then review this information and consider whether the referral reaches the criteria for us to carry out a Safeguarding Adult Review (as set out in the Care Act 2014).

We need to process the following information about individuals involved (whether personally or professionally) in a Safeguarding Adult Review:

  • Their name, address, telephone number and email address
  • The reason for their involvement in the Safeguarding Adult Review
  • Their contributions to the Safeguarding Adult Review.

We also need to process the following additional information about the adult with care and support needs, who is the subject of the Safeguarding Adult Review:

  • Chronologies, case notes, reports, assessments and any other relevant information from the agencies involved in the Subject’s care.

Any organisation that has had relevant contact with the person who is the subject of the Safeguarding Adult Review may be asked to provide copies of the information they hold. This may include (but is not limited to) the police, fire and rescue, probation services, health services and adult social care organisations. We will only request and use this relevant information to meet the specific requirements of a Safeguarding Adult Review.

The information we hold may have been collected directly from you. However, it may also have been provided to us by a manager or another colleague from your organisation.

Sometimes, a referral may not meet the criteria for a Safeguarding Adult Review. However, we may still carry out a formal audit of the case if we feel that there is significant learning to be had.

We process the following information about professionals who subscribe to our quarterly e-bulletin:

  • Email address
  • Subscriber’s name and employer (optional)

We process the following information about professionals who attend one of our training courses:

  • The attendee’s contact details (name, telephone number and email address)
  • The attendee’s job title and employer
  • Any additional needs or support required for the attendee to access the training
  • A manager’s contact details (name, telephone number and email address, in case we are unable to contact the attendee in an emergency)
  • Answers of the pre-course knowledge questionnaire and post-course evaluation questionnaire

The information we hold may have been collected directly from you. However, it may also have been provided to us by a manager or another colleague from your organisation.

How we use your information

We use this personal data to:

  • work collaboratively to develop strategies to prevent the abuse and neglect of adults in Sheffield
  • raise awareness of risks to adults with care and support needs
  • analyse data on safeguarding notifications to build up an understanding of the prevalence of abuse and neglect locally
  • review local safeguarding arrangements and developing mechanisms to hold partners to account and gain assurance that systems are effective
  • develop policies and guidance for protecting adults which are shaped by partners and include the views of adults with care and support needs, their families, advocates and carer representatives
  • provide assurance that multi-agency training and policy development has improved safeguarding practice and is improving and enhancing the quality of life of adults in Sheffield
  • deliver training to volunteers, employees and social care professionals around adult safeguarding

Under data protection law, we need to have a lawful basis to process personal data. The Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership will rely on one of the following conditions:

  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) of UK GDPR), such as the legal requirement to carry out a Safeguarding Adult Review in certain circumstances as set out in the Care Act 2014.
  • Processing is necessary for performance of a task carried out in the public interest (Article 6(1)(e) of UK GDPR).
  • You have given your consent to the processing of your personal data (Article 6(1)(a) of UK GDPR). This will be the case if you have signed up to our quarterly e-bulletin.
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of UK GDPR). This will be the case if you have booked to attend one of our training courses.

Special category personal data is processed for reasons of substantial public interest (Article 9(2)(g) of UK GDPR), for statutory and government purposes (Schedule 1 Part 2 Paragraph 6 of the Data Protection Act 2018).

Any criminal offence data is processed in compliance with Article 10 of UK GDPR, for statutory and government purposes (Schedule 1 Part 2 Paragraph 6 of the Data Protection Act 2018).


Who we share your information with

When a Safeguarding Adult Review is required, the Sheffield Safeguarding Adult Partnership will commission an Independent Reviewer to carry this out. The Independent Reviewer will engage with the person who is the subject of the Safeguarding Adult Review (where applicable), their family and the agencies involved in their care to identify any key themes; form a view on practice and procedural issues and write the final report. We will need to share any chronologies, case notes, reports, assessments and any other relevant information provided to us with the Independent Reviewer, in order for them to carry out this work.

Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership is required to publish an anonymised version of a Safeguarding Adult Review Overview Report/Executive Summary and a learning brief, unless there are compelling reasons not to do so. Published Overview Reports, Executive Summaries and Learning Briefs can be found here on our website.

We are also required to share a copy of the final report with the Senior Coroner for South Yorkshire (West) and the National Safeguarding Adults Review Library.

On occasion, we may have a duty to share your personal data with:

  • Sheffield Safeguarding Hub, Adult Social Care First Contact Team or another statutory agency for safeguarding purposes or where safety may be at risk
  • Emergency services and healthcare professionals for your vital interests and safeguarding
  • The Police and other law-enforcement services for the prevention and detection of crime, or where we are required to do by a Court Order
  • Our regulators, such as Social Work England, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman or the Information Commissioner’s Office


How long we keep your information

We hold personal data in line with Sheffield City Council’s retention schedule.

We will keep any personal data collected as part of a Safeguarding Adult Review for six years following the competition of the review and publication of the final report. However, we will keep a copy of the final (anonymised) report, executive summary and learning brief permanently for research purposes. We will also keep some limited data about each case (age, gender and details of the referring agency) permanently for statistical purposes.

Not all referrals meet the criteria for us to carry out a Safeguarding Adult Review. We will keep such referrals and any other information provided to us at this stage for six years once a decision has been made not to carry out a Safeguarding Adult Review.

If you subscribe to our quarterly e-bulletin, we will keep a record of your name, email address and employer until you inform us that you no longer want to receive it. You can withdraw your consent and unsubscribe at any time.

If you attend one of our training courses, we will keep a record of this for four years as part of our individual training record.

At the end of the retention period, the information is reviewed and only retained where there is an ongoing requirement to retain for a statutory or legal purpose. Following this, personal information will be securely destroyed.


Your data protection rights

Under data protection law, you have the following rights:

Right of access – You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal data.

Right to rectification – You have the right to ask us to rectify personal data you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.

Right to erasure – You have the right to ask us to erase your personal at a in certain circumstances

Right to restriction of processing – You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances

Right to object to processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

Right to data portability – You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal data you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

Please note that there may be times that we cannot fulfil these rights fully because of legal reasons, for example, we cannot delete your personal data if we still need it.

If you want to exercise any of the above rights, you can make a Subject Access Request:

Make a Subject Access Request

(Please note that this link will take you to the main Sheffield City Council website, who provide administrative support to us with Subject Access Requests)


How to complain

If you have any queries, concerns, or complaints about the way we process your personal data, you can contact us by emailing sasp@sheffield.gov.uk. Sheffield City Council’s Data Protection Officer and Information Management Team assist us with meeting our data protection obligations, and we will liaise with them where necessary

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe that we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can also complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Their contact details are:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website: https://www.ico.org.uk