Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership Customer Forum - About Us
The Safeguarding Customer Forum was set up in 2013. Members of the Forum share an interest in Safeguarding Adults – they are able to ask questions and bring information to share.
Our aim is to listen to people’s views and take into consideration their experiences so that we can improve our services. We are here to ensure that people have a voice and take on board their feedback and opinions on Safeguarding.
Some of the things we have achieved include:
- Developed multi-agency training materials
- Developed publicity materials
- Co-production on the Safeguarding annual report
- Created a customer ‘easy read’ version of the annual report
Who are we?
As members of the Customer Forum we all live in and around Sheffield. We all share an interest in Safeguarding Adults, to get good results for people who need our help and to set good standards for Safeguarding.
Our aim is to listen to the people of Sheffield; to take their views into consideration and use their own personal experiences so that we can improve our services. We are here to ensure that the people of Sheffield have a voice and take on board their opinions and views on Safeguarding.
We also work with other groups to make sure everyone knows what they should be doing and they are doing it well. We act as champions for safeguarding and are very proud to represent our local communities. We ask people of Sheffield what they think about the safeguarding Process and feedback to different organisations in Sheffield that we work with.
We also:
- Tell everyone about local and national issues.
- Think about what training people need.
- Work with other agencies to find out what is needed
- Keep people safe.
The forum is, currently, a small team of individuals who work well together and wish for safeguarding to be achieved for everyone, however, greater diversity is one of our priorities to provide greater depth and more insight to how safeguarding is in Sheffield, so new individuals will be very welcomed. For more information including how to get involved, click here
Customer Forum Business Plan 23/24
We are currently working towards the priorities and actions of our customer forum business plan for 2023/24, you can read it here.
If any of the work we are involved in sounds interesting or you would like to know more, why not get in touch!
Forum Membership
Membership of the safeguarding customer forum is open to anyone with an interest in safeguarding adults. The Customer Forum is Chaired by Adam Butcher and Deputy Chair Alan Collins.
Customer Forum Chair - Adam Butcher

The SASP customer forum, works with a number of different groups and agencies, including:
- Trading Standards
- Heeley City Farm
- Taxi Licencing
- South Yorkshire Police
- Sheffield Hallam University
- Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership Executive Board
- Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership City Wide Best Practice Group