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Safeguarding Concerns - what you should expect

Sometimes, people are abused or neglected by others. This might be because someone has done something they shouldn’t have such as hurting you, or taking your money. Or it might be because they haven’t done something – if a carer doesn’t give the help and support they should for example. 

When someone who has needs for care and support is at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect and you are unable to protect yourself, the Council and or partners has a duty to talk to you about what should be done to keep you safe. When a safeguarding concern is raised it may be a worrying time for you. Sometimes the solution may be straight forward and may not require a considerable amount of support, whereas other situations may require more conversation and potentially meetings.

You can ask someone else to help you if it is difficult for you to talk or understand what is happening.

If you don’t have anyone to help you in your situation the Council will appoint someone for you. This will be an independent advocate and they will help get your views and wished across.

Download our Guidance for the Public - how you can recognise and  report concerns to help adults stay safe or prevent a death.

A guide of what you should be able to expect to happen from the people who are looking into the concerns has been produced and you can access the guide by clicking on the following form: What you should expect